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Aluminum hydroxide
Author: Tianhe chemical sources: original date:2012-04-11

Aluminum hydroxide is not strange for us, we all know that aluminum hydroxide is the hydroxide of aluminum and its chemical formula is Al (OH)3. Aluminum hydroxide is white powdery solid which can be used in many fields such as in pharmaceutical, industry and in many other aspects.

Aluminum hydroxide is widely used inorganic flame retardant additive; it is not only acted as a flame retardant to retard the fire without producing droppings and toxic gases but also prevent smoke. Thus aluminum hydroxide is popular used and the usage volume is still increasing. It was applied mainly in thermoplastics, synthetic rubber, coating, thermosetting plastics and building materials and other industries.

Though aluminum hydroxide is chemical article without dangerous, it is easily to damp which can reduce the effect of the article. Thus, the aluminum hydroxide article must be stored in ventilated and dry place and prevent rain when transporting.

The aluminum hydroxide products produced by our company are all strictly inspected in order to provide quality reliable products to the customers. Our company owns advanced manufacturing equipments by which we are able to gain the favor of more people.

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